Saturday, May 29, 2010


While understanding the behaviour of the variables, measuring the relationship between the variables also becomes crucial. The coefficient explains the strength of the relationship between any two or more variables.

Correlation is simplest tool used to measure the relationship. It is actually the covariance of standardized variables. Or it is the average of standardized covariance.


a.       Linearity of data
b.      Homoscedasticity – equal error variance at any point along the linear relationship
c.       No outliers – A large difference between r and rho is a sign of its presence.
d.      Measurement error reduces systematic covariance and hence lowers r leading to attenuation.
e.      Unrestricted variance in the variables.
f.        Similar distributions (type) of the variables
g.       Normality of variables and errors.

Based on the type of variables, there are different types of correlation methods:
1. Pearson's r Correlation: Interval vs Interval

2. Spearman's Rho: Ordinal vs Ordinal or Interval vs Ordinal

3. Polyserial Correlation: Interval vs Ordinal (when the distribution between the interval variable and a latent continuous variable underlying the ordinal variable is bivariate normal)

4. Polychoric Correlation: Ordinal vs Ordinal (when the distribution between the two latent continuous variables underlying the two ordinal variables is bivariate normal)

5. Biserial Correlation: Interval vs Dichotomous with bivariate normality assumption. This can be greater than 1.

6. Point Biserial Correlation: Interval vs Dichotomous

7. Rank Biserial Correlation: Ordinal vs Dichotomous with bivariate normality assumption

Chi-Square Test is used to test the bivariate normality. If p<0.05, there is bivariate normality.

The table below is a pictorial representation

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